Every parish in the deanery similar to every parish in England and Wales therefore follows strict procedures agreed on a national level.Full details can be found on the diocesan website.Click here
If you have any concerns please contact your local parish safeguarding officer, parish priest. or the Diocesan Safeguarding Office, Bishop's House, The Upper Drive, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 6NB Tel: 01273 241203 Email: [email protected]
There is no cost to you for being checked just a little time to complete the forms. Tina will happily talk you through all that is required and will arrange to take copies of the required documents for the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (formerly CRB check). We appreciate that many of you will already have been checked for other organisations or work however the law is clear and we fully agree with the Diocese that Safeguarding is of utmost importance. Your assistance is appreciated.
Background to Safeguarding in Arundel and Brighton
Following the recommendations of the Nolan Report into Child Abuse in the Catholic Church in England and Wales the diocese set up a Child Protection Office alongside the national organisation, COPCA. Subsequently following on from the work of the Cumberledge Commission reviewing the effects of Nolan, amongst other things, the remit of the work was extended more widely to safeguarding issues for both vulnerable adults and children. For that reason there has been a change of name to the Safeguarding Office, which will work alongside a Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service at Bishops Conference level, a National Safeguarding Commission and a diocesan Safeguarding Commission.
Canon Law Summary
The Bishops Conference of England and Wales has voted to accept the recommendations of the Cumberledge Review for the setting up of a new ‘safeguarding structure’. This is not binding on individual Bishops until a recognitio is received from the Apostolic See and a decree has then been issued by the Conference on the basis of a two thirds majority vote by the Bishops (see Canon 455 §1 & §2). Once this is enacted then each Bishop is bound by the decree.
Every parish in the deanery similar to every parish in England and Wales therefore follows strict procedures agreed on a national level.Full details can be found on the diocesan website.Click here
If you have any concerns please contact your local parish safeguarding officer, parish priest. or the Diocesan Safeguarding Office, Bishop's House, The Upper Drive, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 6NB Tel: 01273 241203 Email: [email protected]
There is no cost to you for being checked just a little time to complete the forms. Tina will happily talk you through all that is required and will arrange to take copies of the required documents for the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (formerly CRB check). We appreciate that many of you will already have been checked for other organisations or work however the law is clear and we fully agree with the Diocese that Safeguarding is of utmost importance. Your assistance is appreciated.
Background to Safeguarding in Arundel and Brighton
Following the recommendations of the Nolan Report into Child Abuse in the Catholic Church in England and Wales the diocese set up a Child Protection Office alongside the national organisation, COPCA. Subsequently following on from the work of the Cumberledge Commission reviewing the effects of Nolan, amongst other things, the remit of the work was extended more widely to safeguarding issues for both vulnerable adults and children. For that reason there has been a change of name to the Safeguarding Office, which will work alongside a Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service at Bishops Conference level, a National Safeguarding Commission and a diocesan Safeguarding Commission.
Canon Law Summary
The Bishops Conference of England and Wales has voted to accept the recommendations of the Cumberledge Review for the setting up of a new ‘safeguarding structure’. This is not binding on individual Bishops until a recognitio is received from the Apostolic See and a decree has then been issued by the Conference on the basis of a two thirds majority vote by the Bishops (see Canon 455 §1 & §2). Once this is enacted then each Bishop is bound by the decree.